Samurai Pizza Cats Wiki
Singing Samurai Sensai-tion
Pointless Sisters
Episode Number 6
Original Airdate March 1, 1990 (JP)
September 16, 1996 (US)
KNT episode Aidoru tanjou? Geinoukai no amai wana
KNT episode number 5
Episode Staff
Screenwriter Hiroyuki Kawasaki (JP)
Tom Wyner (US)
Previous episode Let the Cellar Beware
Next Episode The Nuclear Potato

Singing Samurai Sensai-tion (アイドル誕生?芸能界の甘いワナ, Aidoru tanjou? Geinoukai no amai wana) is the 6th episode of Samurai Pizza Cats.


A manager, Charlie Bird told the girls he can make them big stars. They agreed to participate and have formed the Pointless Sisters group. They were a very popular group in Little Tokyo. Later in the episode, it is revealed that Charlie Bird is actually a disguised Bad Bird and while the girls were singing, they were transmitting hypnotic energy waves mixed with the subliminal messages. That made the Little Tokyo citizens enslave themselves in the robots' feet thus becoming a moving force. That made Polly very angry. Together with General Catton, they have freed the citizens and Speedy has destroyed the robots. The Pointless Sisters was forgotten after that. Polly and Lucille were sad about it. Speedy and Guido tried to cheer them up. However, it didn't work for Lucille - she really missed the Pointless Sisters group and that makes her fire missiles out of her hairdo.


  • The episode title is supposed to be Singing Sensei-tion, but the word Sensei is spelled as Sensai.

Scene Cuts[]

  • Scenes of Polly being hit on the head by various objects including a turtle which Speedy writes an insignia on and an anvil was cut.
  • A scene where Speedy and Guido walking over the bridge after being kicked out by Polly is replaced with a short scene of the citizens.
  • A scene where Big Cheese looks through a stethoscope cuts where the word "bukiko" appears in front of a building.
  • A freeze-frame of Japanese insignias appears above Jerry's head when realizing the empty space under the robots is removed.
  • A scene one of the two robots grabbing a shovel to dig through the stone wall of a house was cut due to time constraints.
  • A scene where Polly slaps Speedy across the face and leaving a handmark after stepping on her tail was cut.
  • A scene where the Pointless Sisters merchandise is seen floating in the lake was cut.

